jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008

Head Up!!

Today big day.

I didn't have major problems with the modeling of the face's girl. At the end it looks like more a man (and ugly) than a nice young girl, but anyway. Hope she's going to improve adding further details.
It was a lot of pull and pushing vertex points, extruding faces and edge selection.
I've managed to add eyes, nose and mouth. Just to remember how I was at this point I will upload a couple of cool images. The first one is just for fun.
I remember me that at some point I want to create the Earth with this option and replace the one I ahve on my website. I'm just thinking how I want to do it and still I don't know how to add images to Nurbs.

This image is the real head, not smoothed.
Still I cannot appreciate the beauty of the girl. She going to be cartoon-like, so big eyes, nice buttom nose, and big red mouth.
The difficult part was the eyes socket, but, after learning how to extrude, it was very easy, also for the nose and the mouth.
She still not very ¨high resolution¨, but for the moment I'm satisfied because now I have doors open for many kind of modeling. I will do a parrot by myself, when I will feel ready.

Now I'm too tired to go ahed on this, but I've already seen a couple of errors in this image that I have to correct, like in the middle of the head there is something strange.
Boh, I have to prepare for a party tonight. Better I go.

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